Saturday, January 19, 2013

Many spiritual people will tell you that a cardinal also represents death or afterlife. Reports from loved ones and hospice workers often state that a cardinal appears just before or after a death, or that a cardinal frequently visits or appears in dreams after the loss of a loved one. As a totem symbol, the cardinal symbolizes vitality. A balance of intuition, perseverance and strength, the cardinal is said to offer safe passage into the realm of personal power to realize one’s goals and dreams. The cardinal also represents passion and warmth as a totem symbol. Yoga practitioners believe the bird represents blood, the life force, and is related to survival, identity, health and security. This life force lies dormant until activated by meditation. However, frequent sightings of a cardinal should not necessarily be interpreted as a sign or omen. Cardinals are more comfortable with human beings than some other wild animals and frequent sightings may mean a cardinal is hungry and has pegged you as a source of food.